so Christmas this year was a little bit different...i had to stay at the Gold Coast. the trip is indeed to long and I was not in the mood for least before the 24th..after that i almost regreat it. but although I was away from my family and friends i had a good time. Xmas day I went to church in the morning and then I had a lovely lunch with the Youth Pastor's family..they basically saved me from a lonely xmas! ( and offered me presents as well!!)
I got to say that xmas food here cannot be compared with ours! not in a millions years..although i had a good lunch ( noodle salad, cold meats, prawns and ice cream cheesecake for desert) our "bacalhau", "filhós", "leitao" ou "cabrito" are so much better!
but i gotta say the weirdest thing is for sure the weather! xmas in my mind is associated with cold and snow...santa in his big suit..the trees covered with snow..the snowman! hot xmas??? shorts and flipflops?? beach ( apart from the possibility of going to the beach) it is just too strange...
so now i can say i spent xmas at a foreign country and almost on my own..but i will be praying next year i can go home!! it was good but honestly i dont want it again..however it is funny how God does His thing! last year i had that problem with the snow at the UK and i couldnt imagine spending xmas alone..but i think that time i had prepared me for this year and i was much more in peace and relaxed!
again i dont have any pictures because i am waiting for my xmas present..i will gather all the "xmas money" + some of my own and i am buying a proper camera! so give me probabily 2 months and i will have quality pics here ( i hope =))
p.s- although it is on my fb i am selling my Canon Xm2 and wide converter! so if you are interested or know someone you can be contact me!