sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

to my Grandad..in his 80's

today i open an exception here in the blog..iam not going to tell you about my aussie adventures and iam going to write in portuguese...
last week was my grandad 80th aniversary and my hearth is still aching cus i am in the other side of the world and couldnt join my family and friends in this celebration! i thought about writing some words and post it to portugal but i think this way he will know some of the stuff i want to tell him and you guys will get to know him through my eyes

a strange feeling about being so far away is that the homesickness produces this kind of rollercoaster of emotions..sometimes everything is fine..others it is a pain!

i was watching on skype my grandads party and thinking that not many people were there...how many will be there to say goodbye to him? ( iam not saying this will be soon!!) how many will say beautifull words and remember his life? i bet many! i would!

but then i though how often we dont say the things that have to be said..how we forget to celebrate the importance of someones life!

so here is goes...ao meu avô..no seu 80esimo aniversario:

ao meu avô que consegue descrever a manha de terça-feira,21 de abril, 1987 quando eu nasci (saiu de casa ainda de madrugada quando soube que eu estava para nascer e que segundo ele estava um bela manha de primavera)

ao meu avô que me contava historias para adormecer ( e a minha avó) que me deixavam ir para a cama deles  de manha e dormir entre os dois

ao meu avô que quando eu subia as escadas da casa já estava a porta a espera sempre com um sorriso na cara e os braços abertos

ao meu avô que fazia um labirinto pela casa com fios cujo objectivo era sempre um kinder surpresa ou uns bonecos (ainda tenho uns dinossauros!)

ao meu avô que quando ia de ferias me levou a conhecer Lisboa, me levou a remar pela 1a vez no Campo Grande e me levou pela 1a vez ao cinema ( "Hook" ou o "Beethoven"..)

ao meu avô que me levava a correr ao inatel e ficou orgulhoso das minhas 10 voltas ao campo

ao meu avô que um dia me descreveu a sua mala como cheia de compartimentos "secretos" e que uns anos depois ao desaparecer chegamos a conclusão que uns ladroes tinham entrado dentro de casa..a mala foi encontrada num predio vizinho sem os cartoes..

ao meu avô que me explicou pela 1a vez a mais importante Historia de Amor

ao meu avô que quando me ia buscar ao carrascal era sempre convidado para orar na ultima reunião e me deixava com aquele orgulho

ao meu avô que quando tinha 12 anos me ofereceu a minha 1a e única Bíblia

ao meu avô (e a minha avó) que me abriram a porta de casa deles quando fui viver para Lisboa e suportaram durante 5 anos

ao meu avô que nunca me perguntava a que horas eu tinha chegado a casa na noite anterior e que me confiava o carro dele totalmente

ao meu avô que me foi buscar e levar talvez centenas de vezes a 7rios ou a entrecampos

ao meu avô que gosta das colheres pesadas e da sopa a escaldar

ao meu avô para quem o adjectivo "agradável" consegue descrever praticamente qualquer coisa boa

ao meu avô que durante os meses mais dificil da minha vida esteve ao meu lado e que no meio da minha angustia me disse: a única que interessa é o amor a Cristo

ao meu avô que consegue não rir quando toda a familia à mesa está a rir e consegue ser o único a rir das piadas do Filipe

ao meu avô que um dia saiu da mesa onde estavámos a almoçar para ir dar comida a um mendigo na rua

ao meu avô que nunca se irrita com nada excepto quando o tentam enganar

ao meu avô que um dia me disse que eu já não gostava tanto dele porque quando era pequeno queria sempre sentar ao colo dele e ouvir historias

ao meu avô que todos os dias ora  pelos netos

ao meu avô que as vezes "tem a mania que é o Onassis"

ao meu avô que me ensinou que o mais importante não é a dimensão da igreja em que se serve mas aquilo que Deus colocou no coração

ao meu avô ( e à minha avó) que criaram 2 homens muito importantes na minha vida

ao meu avô que no seu 80 aniversário me mostrou o que é a humildade e que a única coisa que disse no seu discurso foi descrever a sua relação com Cristo

ao meu avô que me batizou

ao meu avô que é uma inspiração indescritível para mim

ao meu avô que fez 80 anos na semana passada eu digo...obrigado! eu não me esqueci!

to english:

to my grandad that can describe the morning of 21st of April, 1987 when I was born ( he left home before sunrise when he when i was coming and according to him it was a beautiful spring morning

to my grandad that told me bedtime stories (and to my grandmom) that let me sleep in their bed in the morning between them

to my grandad that when i was climbing his house stairs was always at the door with his arms open and a big smile on his face

to my grandad that usually did a labyrinth through the house with strings and in the end there was a kinder surprise or some toys (still have those dinasours)

to my grandad that when i was on vacations took me to know Lisbon, row in Campo Grande and took me for the first time to the movies ("Hook" or "Beethoven"..)

to my grandad that took me running and was proud of my 10 laps around the stadium

to my grandad that one day discribed his handbag as being full of "secrets" and that some years later disapeard from his house. some thiefs had robbed the house and the handbag was found in a near building..without the cards

to my grandad that explained me for the first time the greatest history of Love

to my grandad that in the end of each camp was always invited to pray in the last meeting..i was always proud

to my grandad that when i was 12 offered me my only Bible

to my grandad ( and my grandmom) that when i went to uni open up their door and supported me for 5 years

to my grandad that never asked me what time i had returned home and that always trusted me with his car

to my grandad that went to the bus or the train stop maybe hundreds of times

to my grandad that likes heavy spoons and boiling soup

to my grandad to whom the adjective nice can describe almost every good thing

to my grandad that in the most difficult months of my life was beside me and in the middle of my anguish told me: the only that matters is the love for Christ

to my grandad that can be the only one not laughing when the whole family is and the only one laughing when my youngest cousin is telling on of his jokes

to my grandad that one day left lunch to feed a homeless guy in the streets

to my grandad that doesnt get angry with anything except when people try to make him a fool

to my grandad that one day told me i dont like him so much as when i was a kid because i used to seat on his lap and ask him for stories

to my grandad that prays every day for his grandkids

to my grandad that something thinks he is Onassis

to my grandad that told me that more important is not the size of the church but where God tells us to be

to my grandad ( and to my grandmom) that raised 2 very important men in my life

to my grandad that in his 80 birthday party showed me what is humility because the only thing he said in his speech was describing his relationship with Christ along the years

to my grandad that baptized me

to my grandad that is an enourmous inspiration for me

to my grandad that completed 80 years last week i say...thank you! i did not forget!

1 comentário:

  1. E assim se escreve o post mais "agradável" deste blog (:

    Parabéns (atrasados) ao avô, e também ao neto, pela ternura das palavras.
